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Privacy policy

1. Privacy statement

The following privacy statement applies to the use of this website. It is possible to use our website without providing any personal data. However, if you wish to use a particular service offered by our company via our website, we may need to process your personal data. This website is subject to the Federal Data Protection Act (DPA) and complies with the main aspects of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We endeavour to ensure the security of your data within the framework of applicable data protection laws and technical possibilities. We generally transmit your personal data in encrypted form. We use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption system, but would like to draw your attention to the fact that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) may have security gaps. This privacy statement will be updated from time to time in order to adapt to legal requirements and the services offered. The current privacy statement applies. Amendments come into force as soon as they are published on the site.

2. Processing of personal data

Our website allows you to register for various services by providing certain personal data. This personal data is generally transmitted via the input mask used for registration to the entity responsible for data processing. Personal data is any information relating to a specific or identifiable person. This includes, for example, a person’s name, address, e-mail address or telephone number. We may process this personal information. Processing means any operation or set of operations, with or without the aid of automated processes, relating to personal data, such as collection, input, organisation, filing, storage, adaptation or alteration, sorting, consultation, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, comparison or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction. The personal data you enter will be collected and stored solely for internal use by the data controller and for its own purposes. Whenever possible, we anonymise data. Anonymising data means that it is not possible to identify the person concerned from it. The length of time we keep personal data depends on the retention period defined by law. Once this period has elapsed, the personal data concerned will be systematically deleted, insofar as it is no longer required for the performance or preparation of a contract.

3. Data collected directly

In the course of using our website and related services, the following data may be collected:

3.1 Application forms

When you are interested in a property offer, you can make a request using a form. The data transmitted via the application is based on the input mask used. Your data can be entered manually into third-party software or imported via an interface. We may use the saved data to find other property offers that match your criteria. Relevant property offers can be identified manually or using software. You can be informed of these offers by e-mail, post or telephone. You can unsubscribe from these services at any time.

3.2 Creation of a property search profile

Users of our website can use a form to register a property search profile. A property search profile allows you to share your property search preferences. The personal data entered when creating the profile is based on the input mask used. The personal data obtained when creating a property search profile is used exclusively to find relevant property offers. The data can be entered manually into third-party software or imported via an interface. If your search criteria match a property, we may inform you by e-mail, post or telephone. We may also contact you periodically to update your personal data in relation to your property search profile. You can temporarily deactivate or permanently delete your property search profile at any time.

3.3 Newsletter subscription

You can subscribe to our company newsletter using a form or by e-mail. Whenever possible, we send a confirmation e-mail (double confirmation procedure) to the address given when you registered for the newsletter. We endeavour to use software that guarantees data protection in compliance with legislation for sending newsletters. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. Each newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe. If you do not see the link, please notify the data protection officer on our website. Our newsletter may contain a spy pixel. A spy pixel is a very small digital image which is placed in these e-mails and which enables log files to be recorded and analysed. This enables statistical analysis of the success or failure of an online marketing campaign. The analysis can be anonymous or refer to personal data.

3.4 Data collection when applying for a job

We may collect and process applicants’ personal data for the purpose of processing applications. This data may also be processed electronically. This is generally the case when a candidate fills in and sends us the application form electronically, for example by e-mail or using the form on the website.

4. Data collected by third-party services

In order to continually improve the quality of our services, we use the following technologies on our website.

4.1 Use of cookies

In some cases, we may use cookies. These cookies enable us to optimise the information and offers on our website according to the user. Cookies enable us to recognise a user of our website. The purpose of this recognition is to make navigation on our website easier for the user. You can prevent the use of cookies on our website at any time by changing the settings on your web browser, thereby preventing the use of cookies on a permanent basis.

4.2 Use of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analysis service. Our web analysis involves the anonymous collection, collation and analysis of data on website user behaviour. Among other things, a web analytics service records data such as which websites users arrive from, which pages of the website are visited and how often or for how long users visit a page. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect this information. You can prevent the use of cookies on our website at any time, as described above, by adjusting the settings in your web browser.

4.3 Use of script libraries

In order to display content correctly, we use script libraries and fonts (e.g. Google Webfonts). The use of these script and font libraries creates a connection with the library provider. It is possible that the library operator will obtain data via this connection.

4.4 Use of Google Maps

We use an interface to view Google’s geographical data and location-based information. In doing so, data relating to the use of the map function will be recorded and used by Google. To find out more about how Google uses your data, please consult Google’s data usage policy.

4.5 Use of social plug-ins

We use various social plug-ins from different social network providers on our site. Through these plug-ins, certain information, in particular personal information, may be used by the corresponding social networks. If a person is connected to a social network while visiting our website, it is possible that personal data will be transmitted. We have no influence on the nature of the data used. For our part, we do not record any personal data in connection with social plug-ins. To find out more about the collection, processing and use of personal data by social networks, please consult their respective privacy policies.

5. Your rights as a user of our site

In accordance with applicable law, you have the following rights with regard to your personal data. You can assert the following rights with the person responsible for data protection: • Information about your stored data and the processing of this data • Correction of errors concerning your personal data • Deletion of your stored data • Restrictions on procedures if we are unable to delete them for legal reasons • Objection to the processing of your data • Data portability, e.g. the transfer of data in a machine-optimised reading format if you have consented or entered into a contract with us.

6. Responsibility

The entity responsible for collecting, processing and using your personal data is:

Actimmo Sàrl
Faubourg de Cruseilles 14
1227 Carouge

Tél. +41 22 342 56 70